What kind of a knitter lacks woolly acessories?

Every year. Fall or spring comes. We don’t have a long period of that in Sweden. We mostly have two seasons – two weeks of summer and winter. But for a day or so we get fall and spring. And every year I promise myself to knit some accessories. Shawls and whatnot. And hats. Mittens, fingerless and otherwise. As a knitter I should have alot of those things. One would think. I should be hoarding yarn-y accessories. But I don’t.

One look into the accessorie drawer reveals the following:

  • One pair of mittens, bought, in fabric and fake leather.
  • One pair of gloves, in leather and fabric, also bought
  • Two hats, handknitted. None of which actually fits my head. One being too wide and short, and the other one just being too short.
  • One cowl, handknitted, but not by me.

What kind of a knitter lacks these things? It can’t be normal! That’s like the first thing you would knit and add to your wardrobe. Except, I never really did. I mostly knit sweaters, children’s clothing and socks. I’ve been promising to change this for a few years, but I still haven’t gotten around to it. 

We’ve had a wonderful autumn, surprisingly long and warm, and some shawls would’ve been real nice to own. So consequently, I have abnormally many projects on the needles, currently, while still planning for more.

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7 Responses to What kind of a knitter lacks woolly acessories?

  1. I grinned as I read your post! Last winter I knit so many accessories for myself (different colors, styles, etc.), that this year I won’t be making any (at least for myself). Sweaters, socks and a poncho (maybe two). By the way, if you’re on the look out for some amazing cowl & mitt designs, take a peek at (Norwegian) Linda Marveng’s designs. On her website she has amazing photos of them.

  2. I went crazy with the accessories for the last couple of years. Now I’m at “what kind of a knitter doesn’t have sweaters?” I put two sweaters at the top of my queue. It’s good to move on to new knitting interests. 🙂

    • tuathaa says:

      Agreed. I don’t have an enormous amount of sweaters either. I guess it took a while to make them wearable. I’ve also gifted many of my handknits, allthough I don’t do that as often anymore, because I’ve come to the realization that people don’t appreciate it as much as they should.

      • I hear you. I gifted a lace shawl to a family member who made a snippy comment that it had cat hair knitted into it. (!!) She only gets small things now. 🙂

        I finally finished my shawl tonight. Tomorrow I wind the yarn for a sweater!!.

  3. I had a similar realization a couple weeks back. All my accessories fit into a tiny, tiny basket. Where did they all go?

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